The Second Arrow and My Lost Wallet

I looked everywhere, but my wallet was nowhere to be found.  I was aware of the OMG story trying to raise its voice.  I was thrown into the future of canceling all of my credit cards, notifying insurance companies, suffering the loss of $30.  The First Arrow -- something is lost.  Argh!.  But how do I keep from adding to the injury with a Second Arrow -- my dire story.

So, I got quiet and present and looked directly at the drama my mind wanted to create and in the seeing, it relaxed and faded into the background.  Then I felt more open and could see a wider view.  Yes, my wallet was gone.  But, the space awareness provided allowed me to know I was fine.  I was safe and nothing had happened to me.  No one was hurt.

The spacious feeling also allowed me enough space to fully have the rest of my life without being distracted.  I saw a client and did some exercise, as well as strategized the process of contacting banks and credit card companies.  It allowed me to calmly review all of the actions I had taken already and see if I could do more.  And I could.  Without any anxiety or judgement, I tried a few "unlikely" pants and jacket pockets and there it was.

Whew!  There was relief, but also some gratitude that I could provide myself with a wider and clearer view of what was real.  By not giving the story of this inconvenient loss additional, and unnecessaryweight, no Second Arrow was deployed.