““Awakeness is found in our pleasure and our pain, our confusion and our wisdom, available in each moment of our weird, unfathomable, ordinary everyday lives.” Pema Chodron
An important exploration we can do concerns both the Separate Self (that we believe ourselves to be) and the True Self (that is open awareness itself). When looking for the Separate Self, we see it is really something that we have constructed from our societal conditioning and our own conclusions about experience. And, we find that a Separate Self actually cannot be found. The True Self, pure awareness, on the other hand, is known as the space-like field in which all our thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions come and go without resistance.
By setting a sincere intention of knowing the truth of things as they actually are, we can begin seeing how the natural flow of awareness transcends the limitations of our perceived separateness and also how it pervades the activities of mind and body with a broader sense of knowing. Being fully human in wisdom and compassion is the work and joy of our "everyday lives."