Awareness and Our Emotions (Part 5)

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I would define the ego as a concept originating from the “I am” experience, pure being without attributes, the absolute certitude we have that we exist.

When I conceptualize this experience, I name it “I” or “I am”.

There is nothing wrong with the pure concept “I am”. The ego comes in the moment I say “I am this or that”. The “this or that” superimposes a limitation onto something that, up until now, was limitless.

Francis Lucille

As the quote above suggests, when we allow ourselves only to objectify experience into me and you, us and them, seeing ourselves as being separate and distinct from everything else, we create a limitation that masks the eternal and infinite nature of true being. The solution can be as simple, and as challenging, as returning to our essential awareness and remembering that I AM is ever present and without limits.  Pema Chodron's captured this space of open awareness well when she wrote “You are the sky. Everything else — it’s just the weather.” This has particular importance as we grow in our understanding of emotions.