Awareness and Our Emotions (Part 1)


You need nothing to be happy - you need something to be sad.
— Mooji

We recently worked with a definition of awareness as being that knowing, space-like container "in which all experience appears, with which all experience is known and out of which all experience is made." (Rupert Spira) We each name this space-like field of awareness as "me." We say "experience happens in me." We also can come to know this awareness as our true self.

This is quite a change from the separate self most of us have been conditioned to believe ourselves to be.  This separate self has become the main character in the stories we create about all our experiences. So, it is important to continue investigating the truth of experience as we get glimpses into our true nature of open awareness. For the next few weeks we will spend time with a sometimes tender, but rewarding area of exploration and insight into our true self by bringing light to our relationship with our emotions.