“When you completely accept this moment, when you no longer argue with what is, the compulsion to think lessens and is replaced by an alert stillness. You are fully conscious, yet the mind is not labeling this moment in any way... It is a shift from identification with form —the thought or the emotion— to being and recognizing yourself as that which has no form — spacious awareness.”
When thoughts and emotions are energized, they arise as resistance to the way things actually are unfolding. We experience things through a filter of "I like that" or "I don't like that." This filter is created when we believe we are a separate and limited self, which triggers strategies of denial and avoidance as we try to stop or change or deny reality. But, as we expand our view and identify with our open, aware essential being, we see that emotions are a kind of echo of the separate limited self view.
So, as a way of understanding and investigating our emotions, it's important to understand that we should not resist them with will power or discipline. By avoiding our emotions, or getting rid of them, or suppressing them, we actually keep them alive. Feelings cannot stand being clearly seen for what they are. 'When we are willing to investigate them in the open space of awareness, where all experience is allowed, we can better see the whole universe of experience in which any emotion is a passing part. From that open view and with more clarity we can respond with wisdom not just reactivity.